Community & Business
1 February, 2023
Oakey juniors meet international coach
Joanne Evans reports on an impromptu coaching clinic arranged by a former Queensland wicketkeeper and coach.

As Brisbane Heat prepared themselves for their Big Bash encounter against the Renegades in Melbourne on Sunday night, sixteen young cricketers gathered at Oakey cricket grounds to expose themselves to the rigours of a half day coaching clinic led by an internationally accredited coach.
When former Jondaryan schooboy John Bell was invited to the Central Downs Cricket Association 50 year reunion held last weekend, he offered to conduct a Sunday morning coaching session for young cricketers from Oakey and district while he was in town.
With a passion for the game almost unparalleled in today’s world, John’s enthusiasm for sharing what he has learned in his career as both a player and a coach in Australia and in Europe was evident to the young cricketers and their parents.
John highlighted the need for self discipline throughout his presentation, but punctuality, dress code, and attitude were a key part of his introduction.
While most of the participants have aspirations to play cricket for Australia, John gave insights into various parts of the game which he dubs Active Person’s Chess.
“While there is no ‘I’ in team, everything comes back to the individual on and off the field,” John Bell told the juniors.
“You have to be committed, practiced and enthusiastic.
“Aspire to a long form of the game, and master it before attempting 20/20 Big Bash style playing.
“Bashing is not lasting.
“Playing straight is the technique required to stay in,” he added.
The session covered batting, bowling, throwing and catching and was facilitated through the combined support of Central Downs Cricket Association and Oakey Junior Cricket Club.