Community & Business
5 August, 2024
Self Storage facility proposed
Toowoomba Regional Council has received a development application proposing the construction of another self storage facility on property in Clifton’s industrial area.

The application was submitted by Precinct Urban Planning on behalf of Tyson Acquisitions Pty Ltd .
The 5,346m2 site at 2 Opportunity Court, on the corner of Logan Road, is owned by Allora business JD Mechanical Engineering Pty Ltd.
“The proposal will be constructed over 11 stages and includes an office and eight bay self-storage shed on the eastern boundary at Stage 1, with progressive stages comprising single and double stacked shipping containers to be used for self storage purposes,” the applicant’s planning report says.
“The development relies on two new crossovers i.e. one to each frontage (Opportunity Court and Logan Road).
“The site will be security fenced with locked gates and will be accessible 24 hours/7 days by customers through use of a swipe card (or similar).
“Emergency phone numbers will be provided at the front of the office for those accessing the site out of hours.”
In total, the development seeks approval for 28 individual industrial units.
There is provision for 30 on-site car parks.
The site is currently vacant and zoned as Medium Impact Industry.
It was most recently sold in November 2023 for $125,000.
Opportunity Court is already home to a storage business, Eastern Downs Storage & Stopover, which specialises in short to long term caravan, trailer, motor home and boat storage.