Community & Business
23 January, 2025
What's Happening This Australia Day, 26 January
Australia Day is a time for all Australians to reflect, respect and celebrate living in this wonderful country we call home.

Southern Downs Regional Council will be celebrating our local champions at Dalveen on Australia Day.
To help plan your day, here is what’s happening -
On Sunday from 9am - 11am - Citizenship Ceremony and Citizen of the Year Awards
11am - 12noon - Live music, morning tea, and a fun community game
Buses will be operating from Warwick to Dalveen on the day.
Two buses from Warwick will depart to Dalveen - leaving from 8am and 8.15am from the Warwick Council office carpark in Fitzroy Street.
Warwick buses will return from Dalveen at 12.15pm, dropping guests back to the Warwick Council office carpark.
For those people driving to Dalveen the celebrations will be held at the Dalveen State School in Pine Cresent, Dalveen.
This is the only Council-run event for the Southern Downs however there is a number of independently-run events across the region.
CLIFTON AUSTRALIA DAY CELEBRATIONS - An early morning start for Australia Day in Clifton with a barbecue breakfast from 7am provided by the Clifton Lions. Coffee, tea and juice will be provided - just take along a chair.
The Clifton Senior Citizens Centre will be hosting Clifton’s Australia Day awards on Sunday with the official awards ceremony beginning at 8am.
Everyone is most welcome to attend.