Community & Business
15 May, 2024
500 trauma teddies
It takes the members of the Westbrook Trauma Teddy Group one year to knit 500 trauma teddies, making a heartfelt difference in the lives of local children experiencing trauma.

More than $13,000 will be dished out to two community groups in Westbrook and one each in Cambooya and Felton from the latest round of the Toowoomba Regional Council grants (TRC) program.
This year’s teddy making has been assisted by a grant of $824 from Toowoomba Regional Council, which will cover the cost of purchasing fibre filling for 500 trauma teddies.
Group leader Erica Paynter said the funding will be very helpful.
The grant will be enough to be able to purchase ten 4.5kg bags of fibre filling.
Erica Paynter said the Community Support Grant funding will allow Westbrook Trauma Teddy Group to spend more time knitting and sewing rather than fundraising for materials.
Based on how long it took the group last year, Ms Paynter thinks it will take 12 months for the ten members to knit the next 500 teddies.
“We have ten ladies - they certainly do an amazing job.”
She said the fastest member can knit one teddy in just three hours and aims to knit fifteen a month herself.
The trauma teddies are handed out to a very wide range of organisations and businesses.
Mrs Paynter said they have been donated to the SES, for instance to assist children’s families who have a roof blown off their house, paramedics assisting children whose parents are unable to be there, guidance officers, families coming out of domestic violence situations, evacuation centres, pathology clinics, dentist clinics, refugee families with children under eight years of age and more.
The grant assessment panel commended the application for demonstrating collaboration and partnerships between community organisations as well as encouraging and assisting community interaction and inclusiveness.
Mrs Paynter said the group is always looking for more people to assist, by knitting, stuffing the teddies and sewing.
Members meet once a month for two hours.
Those interested can contact Erica Paynter on 0401 232 148.
Of the four local groups to receive funding, by far the most funding has been allocated to the Westbrook Sports Club, which applied for a Sport & Recreation Support Grant.
The Club will receive the full amount of requested funding, $9,940.20, to replace the lights and light towers for its tennis courts (pictured below).
The club’s grant application says there are bulbs blown in one of the light towers causing a dark spot on the courts.
“TRC has advised that the maintenance and replacement of the lights is the responsibility of the Westbrook Sports Club and as such the club is requesting funding through council to replace the lights and bring them up to a modern standard in line with community expectations,” it says.
“Due to the age and old nature of the lights and light towers, both the towers and lighting need to be fully replaced.
“The courts are used by our club 4 nights a week for tennis games and we hire the facility from council.
“It is also used by the wider community most other nights.”
An Event Support (Community) Grant of $1,500 has been approved for full funding towards emergency medical team service fees.
Cambooya Campdraft Association President Arran Houlden said the funding will cover nearly half of the cost for an ambulance and paramedic for the Cambooya Campdraft, which was held from the 15th to the 17th of March this year.
Mr Houlden said the Association is very grateful for the support from TRC.
“These events bring a large number of participants and spectators, provide an excellent sport and social outing for everyone involved while promoting activity and health from movement, allowing those who live and work within our agricultural sector the opportunity to display their talents,” the grant submission from the Cambooya Campdraft Association said.
The assessment panel has recommended full funding of $1,097.10 to the Felton Hall Association for an Event Support (Community) Grant.
The funding will go towards entertainment and corflute signage for a dinner and bush dance to be held this year.
“We are providing opportunity for the local Ridgee Didge Bush Band to perform and to welcome new residents in the district and get the farmers in the area together to have a night out with their families to continue to support forming connections made with neighbours in the area,” the Hall’s submission said.
“This event was held previously in October 2021 with TRC support and was extremely well received being well attended by locals and those from the surrounding areas.”