Community & Business
26 April, 2023
Allora Community Competition Day at the CWA
Allora Community Competition Day is on again. These competitions are open to all people of the community, not just CWA members.

They are to be held in the CWA rooms at 51 Warwick Street in Allora on Saturday 27th May. The day will start at 10am after all the judging has been finalised. Come along and have some morning tea and get your fill of all the wonderful craft and cooking on display.
The competitions on offer are — Knitting and Crochet, Cooking, Floral Art, Photography and this year, as well, a special children’s competition all of their own.
Schedules in each category are available to be picked up on Monday mornings from the CWA rooms or just email us on and we can email the appropriate one to you.
Entries may be dropped off at the CWA rooms the week prior to Competition Day or on a Monday morning leading up to the day.
So come on “Get your Craft On” and enter the competitions.
For further information please phone Sandi on 0408 066 192 or Tracy on 0460 533 595.