Community & Business
9 August, 2023
Allora Has A Ready-To-Use Hall
The Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) has now opened the Allora Senior Citizens Centre to the public.

Council understands the frustration for locals at not having a meeting place with the Town’s Community Hall out of action at the same time the Centre was unavailable.
Here’s some good news - the Council has been busy cleaning and doing general maintenance to the Centre so it’s ready for immediate use.
SDRC Manager for Community Services Michael Bell is encouraging community groups and individuals to consider using the Centre - it’s FREE and no bond will be required.
All you have to do is apply to Council.
With the issue of the Trust Transfer from Allora Senior Citizens Group to SDRC both sides are showing goodwill to resolve the matter however it may take until the end of the year or until all issues are sorted.