
Community & Business

22 November, 2023

Allora Heritage Weekend Gives Back To The Community

Following the successful 2023 Heritage Weekend the Committee is happy to provide funds to local organisations.

Allora Heritage Weekend Gives Back To The Community - feature photo

The Weekend is a huge undertaking and thankfully many locals step up to help with the running of the event.

Support comes in various forms.

A big thanks to the Allora P-10 State School with Brad and the Year 10 students handling the catering. They cleared $2,800 and with a grant of $2,200 totalled $5,000 for their trip away.

Also the Year 5 and 6 students received $2,000 towards their trip and the P & C were happy with their donation of $2,000 - making a total of $6,200 to the School.  It’s great to hear that the School Year 10 students are doing the catering again in 2024.

Other recipients included the Allora Sports Club with $500 as thanks for the use of their buggies during the weekend.

Another $500 was handed to the Clifton Lighthorse Association for their effort in 2023.

The Allora Heritage Weekend Committee thanks everyone for their support and asks you to make a note of the 2024 event on Saturday and Sunday 27th and 28th January.  

Features already organised for next year will be Versatile Tractors, all articulated tractors, European tractors, trucks and cars as well as stationary engines, Southern Cross, Ronaldson-Tippett and Aeriel bikes.

If you’d like more information phone Graeme on 0428 717 623 or Bob on 0428 301 866.  

For Camping phone Merv 0448 973 286 and Swap Meet Lyle 0409 766 288.


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