
Community & Business

9 August, 2023

Allora Men’s “Very Busy” Shed

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Allora Men’s Shed outgoing President Graham Hickson reported on his 8 month tenure, following the resignation of previous President Dave Abbott, due to health issues.

“Unstoppable” Steve planning with “Journalist” James.
“Unstoppable” Steve planning with “Journalist” James.

The shed has once again had a successful year maintaining a healthy budget which Treasurer Brett Nottage mentioned in his comprehensive report.

The Shed’s main activities continue to be the manufacture and repair of items for the community.

Steve’s idea of retailing kindling and wood blocks has been a good money spinner and thanks are due to him for producing these products, as well as supplying pallets, dismantling them and cleaning up and stacking the timber storage areas.

Trevor C., with help, has learnt a lot more skills producing chook boxes for sale.

The members acknowledge the most valued support of Allora Home Hardware which is the main outlet for all the above wood products.

During the year, we have updated our Table Saw and Belt Sander from our own finances and passed on some of our older equipment.

In August ’22 Bob B. suggested we should have an activities/ quiet room away from the noisy workshops. After quotes and much discussion over the next few months, it was decided to apply for a Gaming Fund Grant for finance. The application was submitted in February, the result of which is still under review.

Out of the blue, in March, the on-going use of a new ride-on lawn mower was offered by Brett Campbell and his generosity was gratefully accepted. Sale of the old mower was completed.

The Biggest Morning Tea event in aid of Cancer Council was a bigger success than last year and the weather was again kind. An amount of almost $2,000 was raised and all donated to the Cancer Council. All those who helped and attended are most appreciated.

The Shed continues to support community activities, such as the Anzac dawn service Gunfire Breakfast Barbecuing.

New Members who have joined during the year are welcome and their future input will be valued in the contribution to the successful running of the shed.


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