Community & Business
29 June, 2023
Busy finish for Term Two at Greenmount State School
Aside from the fabulous learning in the classroom and the assessment demonstrating all of the learnings, the Greenmount State School students have been busy with STEM, the Arts and of course, sports.

The members of Eastwinds came along to present Music Viva and showed the students from our cluster how to harness their creativity by expressing and sharing their personal experiences through music.
Teachers and students were given the tools to create and connect to each other through making music on the spot. It was a fabulous experience for all of our students.
We have been busy with all things sport with Broncos Cup, Gala Days, Under 8s day and Small Schools Athletics at Emu Creek.
It has been wonderful watching our students improve their skills in an array of sports, work with different teams and demonstrate leadership and resilience.
Our whole school has been involved in Dance throughout the term as part of The Arts. Students have been learning Hip Hop with Chappy Sam, and this has followed through linking to their work in English.
Students have been busy creating music and dance performances with an Indigenous focus. It has been wonderful to see our students express themselves and learn more about the art of dance.
We also managed to squeeze in the Rail Smart rail awareness program, free dress to support the State of Origin and B-Kinda Day where students made artworks of each other and showed each other all the amazing qualities we see in each other.
Our Pre-Preppies have been busy with Mrs Miller continuing their work on sensory manipulation. They have been busy with play dough, cloud dough and sand.
They have been looking at different textures, rough and smooth.
It is fabulous having them with us on Fridays and hearing their squeals of excitement.
With our hearts full, and assessment and reports finished were a looking forward to a super and safe two weeks break so we can hit the ground running for an action-packed Term 3.