Community & Business
31 January, 2024
Clifton’s 2024 Australia Day awardees
Clifton’s Australia Day celebrations were well attended when young and old from the town and district gathered to mark a special day in the nation’s history and to congratulate those individuals and groups who help to make our town somewhere we love to be every day.
Among the 200-plus people at the event was a small army of volunteers from various local organisations who work quietly in the background every year, to ensure the smooth flow of the morning.
The volunteers themselves, many of whom attend year-in, year-out, deserve recognition for their contribution.
This year’s crop of award winners were:
Citizen of the Year - Anne Pedersen;
Junior Citizen of the Year - Brianna Naumann;
Senior Sports Award - Sheree Lynam;
Junior Sports Award - Shelby Turl;
Event Award - Clifton Community Op Shop;
Cultural Award - Back Road Artists.
The Clifton Australia Day Ambassador for this year was well-known local, historian Joy King.
Mrs King has always been interested in local history and prepared a speech which outlined the work of the Clifton Historical Society, recognising many of the individuals who contributed along the way, with snippets of information about her own life and the journey which brought her “home” to Clifton in 2003.
She reminded us of the official opening of the local Museum in the old Clifton Butter Factory in October 1988 when Bicentennial celebrations were in full swing across the nation.
Those whom she recognised included May Berry and her son Graham and his wife Dal, Flo Gillam, Marion and Ernie Batten, Leona Murphy and Ernie Kingdom,
The speech was delivered by Pat Tickner, as Joy King stood by her side.
Toowoomba Regional Council was represented by Cr Kerry Shine, on his third Australia Day at Clifton.
Cr Shine told The Clifton Courier he put his name down to be here because he enjoys coming to the town where the people are relaxed and welcoming.
Addressing the crowd, Cr Shine said he was delighted to see the Clifton community celebration continuing to acknowledge the local achievements and efforts of so many throughout the community.
“You know, we Australians, including everyone in Clifton, know about rising to meet a challenge and being resilient,” he said.
“Displaying grit and determination, regardless of the circumstances, is second nature to many of us.
“Seeking a hand on occasions might be a little harder to do, but it should not be discounted entirely - we also know how to help a mate.”
Cr Shine said in times of uncertainty, strong community connections and relationships keep spirits alive and districts thriving.
“Today’s Clifton District 2024 Australia Day honourees embody those positive traits,” he said.
“These awards are a heartfelt thanks from your community.”
Cr Shine said the Clifton district is home to remarkable people who go above and beyond, mostly very quietly, to make our Region a better place.
“It is fitting that some of those fine people will be recognised today,” he said.
“On behalf of fellow residents, congratulations and thank you.
“Thank you for your contributions.
“You have shown courage, resilience and good humour over a difficult year and in some cases, over many years.
“We can take things for granted sometimes and forget how lucky we are to live in such a great country.”
“Ladies and gentleman, in recognition of the 26th of January, let us remember a line from Advance Australia Fair: ‘Australians all let us rejoice’,” Cr Shine concluded.