Community & Business
17 January, 2024
Clifton’s hopes and fears for 2024
The start of a new year is time to reflect on the year past and look to the future so we asked a few Clifton locals what are their hopes and fears for the year.

We found there was lots on people’s minds, including global issues and those closer to home.
Well known local Adele Saville thought long and hard before offering up what many in Clifton would agree with, “ I would like to see the town brought back to life.”
Adele also made an interesting observation regarding Christmas in Clifton when she wondered why we don’t see children on Christmas Day out on the streets with other kids displaying their new toys.
This was a common sight in years gone by and is possibly a sign that families have become more insular today or could it be that kids today do this interaction online.
Christine Cameron is well known in the area for her community work organising garage sales in support of local citizens doing it tough.
On the subject of climate change Christine was not overly worried thinking that the world’s climate is going through just another phase and the world will eventually adapt.
However, she did express a view regarding power generation and questioned why the government in its move to renewable energy sources was not considering the use of tidal flow to generate electricity.
Christine offered up the Shoalwater coastal region, where at times the tidal range is eleven metres, as the perfect place for electrical power to be generated by tidal movement.
A more cohesive Australian society was one of Christine’s hopes for the future and one where the government provided a bigger safety net for those people struggling to survive in tough economic times.
She also voiced her support that Australia Day remain on 26th January.
While enjoying a small treat at Dusty’s with friends Christine, Kay Nugent and Sharon Manning hoped for a better year ahead economically for the world in general and felt that maybe Australia was rushing too quickly to reach Net Zero carbon emissions.
Sharon also felt that Australian society needed to be more cohesive and agreed a bigger safety net was needed to protect families struggling financially.
Kay Nugent felt the government needed to do more to keep the major supermarkets in check regarding rising prices.
Kay has possibly touched on a point that the government has been slow to comprehend as it has finally moved to examine the pricing structures of the big supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths.
When thinking about concerns for Clifton, Kay explained how many older people, who are no longer able to drive, find transport within Clifton and to
and from Toowoomba and Warwick is a major problem.
She expressed a hope that a community bus, possibly financed by local governments and local clubs, could eventually be established in Clifton.
In light of the town losing its bank and the need of many elderly people for specialist medical services in Toowoomba, Kay’s concern seems very real and one that needs addressing soon.
In regards to Australia Day, Kay was also strongly in favour of retaining the 26th January for the nation’s National Day.
BlueCare worker Kerry Davis expressed her concern over the impact of climate change in Australia.
Kerry found herself in the middle of the recent violent storms on the Gold Coast where out of desperation she paid for long term parking so her vehicle would be safe.
Her concern is that storms in Australia seem to be more frequent and more violent.
As a long time supporter of the British royal family Kerry stated with some reluctance her support for King Charles III.
However, in a prediction for the future she feels Harry and Meghan will eventually separate and Harry will return to his homeland and look to rebuild relationships with his family.
In regards to the U.S. presidential election Kerry expressed her concern, over the possible successful election of Donald Trump.
Vanessa Hicks, owner of Dusty’s Clifton café expressed a global concern by hoping for more international communication and cooperation during the year.
Given the conflicts taking place in the Middle East the Ukraine and tensions with China most people will no doubt agree with Vanessa in hoping these conflicts will be settled in 2024.
On a personal and business level Vanessa is hoping for more market opportunities at Dusty’s.
Clifton Community Op Shop volunteer Christine Fiechtner expressed the view that she would like to see more activities for kids in Clifton to help them get together and socialise.
Christine would also like to see more social activities for adults and thought a Country and Western
music festival or concert in the F. E. Logan Hall would be a great idea.
It is great that we live in a society where we can express our opinions freely and that our society is tolerant of diverse points of view.
Do you have any hopes or fears for 2024 you’d like to share?
Send a letter to the editor via email to or via post to 60 Clark Street, Clifton QLD 4361.