Community & Business
1 November, 2023
Crafty Capers at Art, Craft and Markets in the Park this Saturday
Did you know that the definition of a hobby [according to the Oxford Dictionary] is: “an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure”… but how do you decide which hobby might be for you?

Well, if you head to the Annual Clifton Dabblers ‘Art, Craft and Market in the Pavilion’, at the Clifton Recreation Reserve this Saturday 4th November (8am – 2pm), you’ll be sure to get some handy hints – everything is easy when you know how!
There’ll be tonnes of information and hands-on demonstrations outlining some of the art and craft projects undertaken at the Dabblers Den in Clifton including those featured in the images; plus loads of other interactive displays and help for those looking for inspiration.
There will also be a plethora of stalls with hand-made goods, some cracking ideas for unique Christmas gifts and delicious food and drinks will be available.
For those who’ve already caught the craft bug and would like to sell their wares, stalls are still available to secure for just $10 (and will be, right up until the 4th November – although contact will need to be made before arrival on the day).
If you’d like further details regarding Art, Craft and Markets in the Pavilion, email or pop in and see them at the Dabbler’s Den at 97A King Street, Clifton, most days of the week.
If the door is up, they’ll be there!