
General News

24 January, 2025

Dangerous pile of rubbish dumped

An approximately 80 metre strip of the roadside along Herzig Road at Elphinstone has been littered a great quantity of dumped rubbish that could have caused immense damage to any vehicle that came into contact with it.

Until this rubbish dumped at Herzig Road was cleaned up by TRC, it was an accident waiting to happen.
Until this rubbish dumped at Herzig Road was cleaned up by TRC, it was an accident waiting to happen.

The rubbish, dumped only a few kilometres from the Clifton Tip by unknown persons, includes sharp pieces of metal and glass.

As Herzig Road is a single lane gravel road, the dangerous possibility lies for a vehicle to stop amongst the rubbish when letting another vehicle pass.

Local resident Leo Herzig reported the illegal dumping to Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) via Snap Send Solve last Monday, 13 January.

In his report, Mr Herzig told TRC the rubbish was extremely dangerous, with large metal objects among the various types of rubbish and warned a serious accident could occur if urgent action was not taken.

A TRC staff member responded two days later.

They said a site inspection would be conducted by the compliance team.

The rubbish was subsequently cleaned up by Council staff this past Monday, 20 January, a week after the report.

TRC advises that anyone caught illegally dumping and littering can be issued a warning, issued a clean-up notice ordering the offender to remedy the offence or issued with an on-the-spot fine.

Littering and/or illegal dumping can be reported to TRC by using the ‘Snap Send Solve’ app, by lodging a complaint form online or by calling 131 872.

The following relevant information is beneficial for Toowoomba Regional Council to carry out an investigation:

  • Location of the material.

  • What the material consists of.

  • When the dumping/littering occurred (time and date if known).

  • Who was responsible for dumping the material (if known).

  • Vehicle details (if a vehicle was involved and details known).

  • Photographs of the materials (time and date stamped if possible).

  • Any other relevant details.

  • Whether you’d like to be contacted about the matter or not.


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