8 March, 2023
Downs Polo Club campdraft returns to Allora
The Downs Polo Club has brought back its annual campdraft after weather-related and Covid-related absences from the events calendar.

The committee welcomed over 300 competitors to the Allora Showgrounds, with many local horsemen and women putting on a spectacular show of horsemanship and equine athleticism.
Competitors travelled from as far as Alpha, central Queensland to take part.
There were 700 head of cattle donated by local producers Kev Ryan, John Ryan, Dan Brash, Royston Carter and Tom O’Donoghue.
Saturday morning got underway bright and early with the first horse in camp at 6.30am for the George and Fuhrmann
Stock and Station Maiden Draft, judged by Joe Maher.
Scores of 63 and above progressed into the final round, with Clifton local Mark Connolly taking the top spot on Con the Cat.
Cameron Bond claimed the prize for the highest cut out in the first round, donated by Melinda May and Handmade Horse Gear.
The Pursehouse Rural Open Draft, judged by Ian Glasby, proved to be an exceptional standard of drafting, with excellent cattle pushing ten scores to 90 or above and 25 riders progressing into the final on a score of 87 or above.
Toowoomba competitor, Zak O’Brien claimed first place in the open draft, as well as the highest cut out score in the first round.
Sunday’s drafting got underway with the first round of the Obadare Group Novice Draft, judged by Cameron Bond.
A field of 158 competitors battled it out in the opening round, with scores of 85 or above progressing into the final.
Top spot was taken by the final competitor to enter the camp, Annabel Milling and her mare Starwaltz Monica.
The prize for the highest cut out in the first round was taken by Oliver Solerno.
Sunday also saw some rising stars taking part in the Hoopers Accountants Junior (8 years or younger) draft, and the AEW Horse Walkers Juvenile (17 years or younger) draft.
Bridie Griffiths took the top spot in the junior draft with a phenomenal run on her horse Stannum Wolf.
The Juvenile draft came down to a run off, with Toby Usher and Ashton Collins tied at the end of the first round.
The winner was decided by a run off and Usher, came out on top on his mount Special.
A fantastic weekend of drafting was held on the Downs thanks to the hard work and dedication of the committee, with special mention to camp draft secretary, Angie Seibel from Goodwood Equine, who made sure everything was in order for all competitors.
Mark your calendar for upcoming events hosted by the Downs Polo Club.
April will see the start of the polo season with the Eagers Shield running over two weekends, the 22nd and 23rd of April and the 29th and 30th of April, at the Clifton Showgrounds.
- Jessica Rea