Community & Business
22 February, 2023
Emu Creek State School is ringing up 150 years
In its 148th year, Emu Creek has rung out the old school bell, sounding the end of an era.

Many schools have long used bells to mark the beginning and end of the day and many students have lived their school life ruled by the bell.
For the current students of Emu Creek, the school bell has been updated to an electronic digital bell that is able to play a variety of bell tones as well as play songs.
Rather than ringing the bell, students are now looking forward to being able to pick the ‘song’ that will be used as a bell tone for the week.
For many staff and students, the handbell symbolises the history and tradition of their school.
The old school bell has stood the test of time.
In 2025, Emu Creek will celebrate its 150th birthday and the bell will be brought out of retirement to signal the start of the school’s traditional roll call for all past and present students in attendance.
Do you know the history or age of the handheld bell? Come along to the 150th Committee meeting.
Preparations for the sesquicentennial anniversary (150th) will start this year with the first meeting of the 150th Committee on Tuesday, 28th March, 7pm at the Wheatsheaf Store (newly opened behind the Wheatsheaf Pub).
The school looks forward to meeting anyone interested in helping to plan the 150th celebrations or wanting to share some history or school memorabilia.
Please RSVP to this meeting by ringing the school on 4697 1171 or 0466 459 132.