Community & Business
12 September, 2023
Free Showerhead And Sprinkler Upgrades
Southern Downs Regional Council is offering free water efficient showerheads and sprinklers through its residential water saving device exchange program to help the community continue to reduce water consumption and be waterwise.

Director of Environment and Planning Scott Riley said the program is a timely reminder to residents connected to the reticulated network to not become complacent about the importance of sustainable water saving practices.
“Approximately 40% of household water is used outdoors and showers account for around 34% of household water usage, so it’s good practice to swap old showerheads and sprinklers for our free water saving devices.
“Council’s residential water device exchange program is a win-win for ratepayers and the region because it helps us all manage the region’s water supply.”
• Make sure you are eligible for this program by checking that your property is connected to the reticulated network.
• Complete the showerhead or sprinkler exchange form.
• Take your old showerhead or sprinkler and completed form to the Warwick Community Services Centre where Council will replace it for FREE.