Community & Business
22 March, 2023
Garden Club digs in to 2023
For a gardening town such as Pittsworth, it’s fitting that the local Garden Club be an active and thriving one, as proven by the great turn out to their first trip for the year recently.

The club’s adventures for 2023 kicked off with an enjoyable bus trip to the Jandowae Garden Club, where we had a delicious morning tea and lunch.
With 54 happy attendees on the bus and many other local people in attendance, the Jandowae Club did a sterling effort in providing our food and entertainment.
A lovely garden was also visited before we moved on to Jimbour House.
The beauty and grandeur of this house and garden was appreciated by us all - an experience not to be missed.
Our March 28 meeting and the AGM will be held at Kate and Mark Droney’s,
156 Felton Road, Pittsworth.
Contact Helen to lead the way if you are unsure as Loretta and I will be going earlier to help set up.
Please bring a hat a chair, cup and a plate for morning tea.
Raffle winners were Ann Garland, Lorna Porter, Ros Weir, Cheryl Milne, Sue Dade, Lyn Bass, Gail Gundry, please supply raffles.
Congratulations to the Garden Club Members who entered plants, flowers, floral arrangements, produce and cooking at our local show.
Judging by the large number of prizes on display it seems we must be getting our act together in all sections - well done everyone.
Congratulations to the Show Society for opening the gates and keeping the entertainment going despite the inclement weather on Saturday.
March Flower Competition: hibiscus flower. Hoping to see you all on the 28th.
- Val Hohn