Community & Business
25 January, 2023
Generous Donors Who Love Country People
Di and Bob Miller from Springfield get a real thrill out of visiting Allora.

And, Allora gets a thrill too as Di and Bob regularly bring a van full of goods to the Salvation Army Shop.
The majority of articles are almost brand new, some with prices still attached.
At midnight in Springfield Di heads out collecting “rubbish” that local residents have left on the footpath.
Management at the Shopping Centres and shops also give Di any unsaleable goods.
After the van is full Di and Bob head to the country - calling into Allora then travelling out west to Roma or north to Esk and Gympie.
Di is known around Springfield by the Police - but for all the right reasons.
The Police first approached Di as they found her roaming the streets in the middle of the night.
After she explained she was collecting bottles and cans for charities the Police now support Di.
Julie at the Salvation Army Shop at Allora is thrilled to receive these donations and pass on the bargains to her customers.