14 March, 2024
Gilmore representing Australia
Downs polo president Will Gilmore has been selected to play in a three a side Australian polo team against India at the Sydney Royal Easter Show on 29 March.

Will is a professional player based at Nobby who plays off a 4 goal handicap and is the highest rated player in the Downs Club.
Will’s selection is very well deserved as he works hard developing horses and is also a great asset to the Downs club encouraging lower goal players and his presence in the club greatly improves the standard of polo.
Joining Will in the Australian team is Tasmanian 3 goal player Aden Nunn who bases himself in Queensland for the winter and is a regular visitor to Clifton playing in visiting teams and some-times putting his name in to play with the Downs club.
The third member of the team is 5 goal player Jake Daniels who is engaged to Will’s sister Skye Gilmore and bases himself in the Hawksbury basin.
Jake has also played at Clifton on a number of occasions in the past.
The local polo community will be keeping a close eye on how the team goes including proud father Derek Gilmore who has played in the show polo in the past along with his brothers.
Three a side polo has been played at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney on and off since 1939.
An Australian and an international team compete against one another.
None other than the King himself, Charles III, competed in Royal Easter Show polo in 1981 when he was the Prince of Wales.
Asides from England and India, teams from the United States, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Italy and South Africa have also competed against Australia.
The Downs Club members are currently preparing for the commencement of competition in the autumn, with practice chukkas commencing this weekend.
The season opener will be club tournaments on 13th and 14th of April and 20th and 21st April followed by two weekends of the Eagers Shield which will include the Picnic at the Polo event on Sunday 28th April.
This is the first time the club has conducted an autumn edition of Picnic at the Polo and it is very appreciative of the sponsorship provided by Brown and Hurley to conduct the event.
For local polo fans or those just looking for a day out, jump on the Downs Polo Club facebook page to secure your tickets.