Community & Business
21 December, 2022
Gowrie Little Plain Hall renovated, award presented
The latest renovations at the Gowrie Little Plain Hall (GLPH) have been completed.

These include lining the seating area of the hall as well as replacing all the lights inside and outside with LED lights, and most of the chairs have been replaced with Arm Rest Chairs.
The project was completed courtesy of a gambling grant from the Community Benefits Fund, Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program, which provides $60 million per year for services, leisure activities and opportunities for Queensland communities.
The Hall, constructed in 1932, celebrated its 90-year anniversary earlier this
GLPH committee member Barry Heinemann says it meant a lot to the group to keep the 90 years old hall in a fit condition.
“You’ve got to keep improving things to stop these old buildings from becoming dilapidated,” he said.
“There are 55 halls in the Toowoomba Region and around half of them don’t get used.”
He and his wife Shirley, of Charlton, have been largely responsible for keeping the building in top shape.
A noteworthy addition to the building has been the chairs from the old Strand Picture Theatre in Toowoomba.
In a regular, year around 26 events are held at the Hall, which includes eight dancing competitions and multiple country music performances, which have included the Country Music Showcase, the Alice Benfer Country Music Concert, the Lindsay Waddington and Lloyd Back Concert and the Glen Jones and Anita Ree Country Concert.
The venue was the site of award-winning Lismore country performer Rod Williams’ last concert which held in November last year.
A Christmas dance competition was held at the hall, which was won by couple Dan and Ann Willett, who have moved down from Bundaberg to Cotswold Hills.
The dance was very well attended and was a fun night for all involved.
The Gowrie Little Plain Hall will next be holding a dance on New Year’s
Eve with dance band Rae Blinco the most prominent guests.
The event will feature hourly door draws, supper and raffles.
Enquiries for this event can be made to Shirley Heinemann on 4630 4384.