Community & Business
1 December, 2022
Grant for Pony Club totals over $150,000
Cambooya Pony Club members can look forward to repair work to club facilities, caused by flood waters earlier this year, being carried out quickly, with news their $153,020 application for grant money has been approved.

Club President Dan Renyard said the grant would be used to resurface the arena and carry out drainage work to flood proof the arena by diverting flood waters around the arena area.
The recently announced grant is in conjunction with the Queensland Government’s Flood Grants for Community Recreational Clubs who suffered damage to facilities during the heavy rain event earlier this year.
Mr Renyard said where possible the work would be carried out by local contractors and as such Toowoomba quarries will be used to source material for the arena.
The club has already received tenders for the work and hopes repairs will be completed by early March next year.
The club event scheduled for 4/5th February will still go ahead thanks to club members using their own machinery to carry out temporary repairs.
Cambooya Pony Club is an important equine recreational organisation with a club event earlier this year drawing competitors not just from the local region but also from Toowoomba, Brisbane and Goondiwindi.
The CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology recently declared that Australia can expect natural disasters to be more frequent and of greater severity in the future.
More natural disasters means that governments will need to budget for increased demands for grant money so recreational clubs can quickly carry out repairs to damaged facilities allowing communities to re-engage in their normal
Successful applicants for the grants program included several organisations in Toowoomba, including Toowoomba Regional Council (Jubilee Park Trail) - $1,496,532, Toowoomba Mountain Bike Club - $843,674, The City
Golf Club - $88,576 and Toowoomba Golf Club - $163,154.
Across Queensland, more than 200 sites shared in $75 million in joint state and federal recovery funding.