11 January, 2023
Great Aussie Composting Roadshow coming to Pittsworth
A free Composting Roadshow for intensive animal industries will be making its way to Pittsworth in March.

The Composting Road-show will be a unique opportunity for farmers to learn and share knowledge and experience about many facets of composting including feedstocks, composting principles, costs and benefits, regulatory requirements, mortality composting and the benefits of applying compost to land.
It will provide intensive animal industries such as egg and broiler farms, cattle feedlots, piggeries and dairy farms with tailored and in-depth information regarding solid manure management, focusing on composting as a management tool.
Where relevant, the composting of food and fibre processing residues in regional areas and the co-composting of urban and agricultural residues will also be discussed.
After stopping in three towns in both Victoria and New South Wales, the roadshow will visit Pittsworth on Wednesday, 15 March before travelling on to Dalby and Beaudesert.
The session will run from 10am to 4pm.
A venue is yet to be confirmed.
It is hosted by the University of Queensland Centre for Recycling of Organic Waste and Nutrients. Presenters include:
•Professor Robert Rynk, State University of New York
•Matthew Cotton, Composting Consultant, California
•Janine Price, Scolexia Animal & Avian Health Consultancy
•Dr Kevin Wilkinson, Frontier Ag & Environment
•Johannes Biala, University of Queensland Centre for Recycling of Organic Waste and Nutrients
For more information and to secure a ticket, visit