30 August, 2023
Greenmount Tip temporarily closed
FromTuesday, 5 September, the Greenmount Waste Management Facility will be closed until 2024 to enable bulk earthworks to be completed.

Toowoomba Regional Council’s Water and Waste Committee Portfolio Leader Cr Nancy Sommerfield said the old landfill that is co-located with the transfer station was now closed for remediation works to ensure it meets regulatory requirements.
Cr Sommerfield said Council’s contractor, Joe Wagner Group, had started the earthworks at the site.
“The current works involve bulk earthworks to cap and close the landfill,” Cr Sommerfield said.
“The site will be temporarily closed from 5 September and is currently scheduled to reopen early next year.
Residents will stay be able to use Clifton Waste Management Facility on Logan Road, Clifton which is open Monday and Friday from 1pm to 5pm, Wednesday from 8am to noon, and Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 3pm.
They can also use the Greater Toowoomba Waste Management Facility, 270 O’Mara Road, Wellcamp, which is open Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 5pm.
Details on the types of waste that are accepted are available on Council’s website tr.qld.gov.au