22 March, 2023
Growth forecast for Pittsworth, Millmerran
The newly released Toowoomba Region Growth Plan shows both Pittsworth and Millmerran experiencing a steady growth in population and housing over the next three decades.

Presented to Council last week, the Growth Plan is intended to act as the as the long-term population and employment growth strategy for the Region to 2051.
In its entirety, the Toowoomba Region is expected to grow by around 66,600 new people and 39,500 new jobs over the next 30 years, requiring around 27,000 new dwellings.
With the population rising from 175,250 in 2021 to 241,800 in 2023, this represents an annual average growth of 1.2 per cent.
The Toowoomba Region Growth Plan was commissioned as part of the Toowoomba Region Futures program launched in 2021, alongside a new Toowoomba Region Planning Scheme and a Toowoomba Region Infrastructure Plan.
Mayor of the Toowoomba Region, Paul Antonio said
the Toowoomba Region Growth Plan establishes a clear and coordinated long-term growth strategy to guide when and how employment and population growth occurs, allowing the Region to develop in a “thoughtful and considered manner.”
TRC Planning and Environment Committee Portfolio Lead Cr Bill Cahill said to make sure Council sustainably manages this change in conditions, the Growth Plan is a road map for how the community wants to see the area developed in the coming years.
“Since eight Councils amalgamated to form the Toowoomba Region, this is the first Growth Strategy we’ve had and importantly, it comes at a time where the Region is expected to benefit from significant major regional infrastructure investment,” Cr Cahill said.
“It will support jobs and housing choices as well protecting the character and unique identity of our individual towns and neighbourhoods.
“It addresses the community’s expectation for maintaining and advancing the Region’s liveability, lifestyle and character while balancing the protection of our important natural environment by delivering a sustainable growth management framework.”
According to the Growth Plan, Pittsworth’s population is anticipated to grow by 1,000 people and 750 new dwellings by 2051.
“Similar to other rural townships Pittsworth contains a core of early traditional timber dwellings in the early street network which has been complemented by 50s and 70s dwellings out to the perimeter of the town,” the Growth Plan says.
“There is capacity in land and infrastructure networks to accommodate new growth dispersed across the urban extent of Pittsworth.
“Opportunity to expand beyond the township is limited due to the nature of surrounding landscape however expansion to the west and east is a potential growth opportunity.
“It is anticipated that new growth in Pittsworth will be accommodated in keeping in with the existing character of houses on mid to large sized lots with limited take up of attached housing such as townhouses or duplexes.”
By 2051, Millmerran is forecast to grow in population by 500 and in dwellings by 300.
The Growth Plan identifies multiple opportunities for Millmerran’s growth.
“There is capacity in land and infrastructure networks to accommodate new growth dispersed across the urban extent of Millmerran,” it says.
“Opportunity to expand beyond the township is limited due to the nature of surrounding landscape however expansion to the north-west and south-west are a potential growth opportunity.
“It is anticipated that new growth in Millmerran will be accommodated in keeping in with the existing character of houses on mid to large sized lots with limited take up of attached housing such as townhouses or duplexes.”