
Community & Business

12 September, 2023

Headington Hill school reunion

Former pupils of Headington Hill State School are getting together to hold a reunion on Saturday, 7 October.

Headington Hill school pupils in 1964, proudly displaying their first uniform. Back, from left: Clare Taylor, Janet Kruger, Janette Taylor, Kaylene Stehn, Beverley Newport, Suzanne Kruger. 3rd row: Terrence Wissemann, Peter Larsen, Robin Larsen, Graham Baines, Geoffrey Larsen. 2nd row: Jeanette Glover, John Newport, Deidre Wallace, Jennifer Kuhn, Debra Wissemann, Jennifer Larsen. Front: Raymond Baines, Terrence Taylor, Dianne Hoey, Patricia Kruger, Colin Hoey.
Headington Hill school pupils in 1964, proudly displaying their first uniform. Back, from left: Clare Taylor, Janet Kruger, Janette Taylor, Kaylene Stehn, Beverley Newport, Suzanne Kruger. 3rd row: Terrence Wissemann, Peter Larsen, Robin Larsen, Graham Baines, Geoffrey Larsen. 2nd row: Jeanette Glover, John Newport, Deidre Wallace, Jennifer Kuhn, Debra Wissemann, Jennifer Larsen. Front: Raymond Baines, Terrence Taylor, Dianne Hoey, Patricia Kruger, Colin Hoey.

Almost twenty years ago in 2003, many former students of the Headington Hill State School enjoyed a reunion at the F. E. Logan Hall in Clifton.

Now another reunion has been planned to commemorate those wonderful October school picnic days of the past. 

All past students, their families and friends are invited to attend the Headington Hill Historical Church Site at Carey Road, just north of the school intersection, on Saturday, 7 October 2023, from l0am to 3pm. 

Two acres of land on which to build the school was donated by Mr D. Taylor from his “Lauriston” property in 1911 and a building committee was formed to raise funds. 

Initially the Department of Public Instruction referred to it as the Sugarloaf School, as the name Headington Hill had already been applied to a provisional school in the Nevilton area. 

It opened as McGovern’s Hill School on 11 July 1912 and did not officially become the Headington Hill State School until 10 October 1912. 

From October 1920 to April 1923 enrolment numbers were so large it became a two teacher school but a later decline brought about a temporary closure from 14 June 1936 until 30 September 1946. 

Over three hundred students had attended the school when it was permanently closed on 11 August 1967, after the Education Department provided a door to door bus service to the larger schools in Clifton. 

An auction of the school building was held on site on 15 November 1968. 

The Clifton Co-operative Hospital Board was the successful purchaser at $292.50, aiming to reconstruct it as nurses’ quarters. 

However, removal costs were found to be above available funds and it was later sold to Rt. Rev. Monsignor McKenna of Clifton. 

Erected on lower stumps it was dedicated as the Infants Classroom of St. Francis de Sales School on 5 April 1970, where it still remains. 

The Education Department eventually returned the two acres of ground to Mrs M. Taylor on 14 December 1979. 

It is estimated at least one hundred students are still alive and all of these families and two past teachers, Noel Kelly and Vince Murphy have been contacted. 

It is hoped the oldest living student, Heather Claydon, nee Carey, will be in attendance. 

Heather was a Headington Hill pupil from 1946 to 1950 and retained her connection by icing the cake for the 1962 Golden Jubilee celebrations. 

To enable families to enjoy time together the day will be a very informal open air picnic with everyone bringing their own food and drinks as well as hats and chairs. 

The day is open to anyone with a connection to the area. 

Those attending are asked to wear a name tag and to contribute a small donation to the upkeep of the historical church site. 

If it is wet, the venue will change to the Pilton Soldiers Memorial Hall. 

The convenors are: Janette Frahm 0409 495 514, Shirley Mason 0439 702 051 and Shirley Murray 46 964 169 

 - Shirley Murray


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