Community & Business
18 October, 2023
It just gets better...
What a great success - the Pittsworth Craft and Fine Food Spectacular in 2023 has lifted the standard to an even higher level, cementing the future of the event even more soundly than ever.
This year’s Craft and Fine Food Spectacular was the eighteenth to be conducted and was undoubtedly one of the best.
As one local put it, “It just keeps getting bigger and better!”
The exhibits in the Town Hall drew crowds constantly and the exhibitors were generally very pleased with the response to their products and services.
On Saturday morning - probably one of the peak periods - the queue of people waiting to pass through the checkouts stretched the full length of the Town Hall.
Nevertheless, the wait was not as bad as one might expect with the volunteer checkout crew moving the customers through quickly and efficiently.
Coordinator Brenda Prentice said the 2023 Craft and Fine Food Spectacular exceeded her expectations.
“It went well. It was amazing,” she said.
“In these economic times with cost of living, I didn’t expect people to come out.
“We probably had a couple of thousand attend, which just about equalled last year.
“It was one of the best turn-outs.”
Ms Prentice said she and the other organisers have already received plenty of positive feedback.
“Some exhibitors thanked us for their great sales,” she said.
In addition the stalls themselves, visitors were very impressed with the entertainment and exhibitions outside of the hall.
“People enjoyed the barbecue by the PATS (Pittsworth Amateur Theatrical Society) group, entertainment in the park, Black Ink, ukulele group, singers, gardens, art groups, quilters,” Ms Prentice said.
Attendees came from near and far, including two busloads from Redcliffe.
Ms Prentice thanked those who made the day a success.
“I’d like to thank all the volunteers and all the community for embracing our event again this year, coming together and showing off Pittsworth.”
The Pittsworth Craft and Fine Food Spectacular is an initiative of St. Andrew’s Anglican Parish of Pittsworth.
Mark your calendars for the 2024 edition, to be held on Friday and Saturday the 11th and 12th of October at the Pittsworth Town Hall.