Community & Business
27 September, 2023
Jondaryan residents ask questions about Mine at Community Forum
Jondaryan locals were given the chance to ask questions about New Acland Stage 3 at a recent community event organised by New Hope Group.

The meeting was attended by staff from the New Acland office in Oakey who organised a curry and pizza dinner to entice locals to the event.
Chief among the questions was when the upgrades to Jondaryan-Sabine Road would be complete, as well as the timeline for progression on the railway loop project and what was happening to buildings on mine land.
New Acland’s Rebecca Meacham informed the meeting that OCAA’s challenge was not likely to be heard in the Land Court until January, and that the Manning Vale West Pit would likely be out of action until court proceedings were finalised.
The rail loop and road/bridge upgrades are expected to take place over the next two years.