
Community & Business

28 April, 2023

Landcare cracks huge tree target

In 2013, the seed of an idea germinated at Pittsworth Landcare meetings: local koalas need help; let's do something to replace lost trees. The ideas put roots down - and grew.

Landcare cracks huge tree target - feature photo

The original aim was to distribute 2000 seedlings over a couple of years but with continuing support from landholders, the idea has since grown tenfold.

Last Friday's giveaway of 1500 trees meant the group has now distributed 20,000 in the past decade. 

Pittsworth Landcare president Alastair  Silcock said while the 20,000 milestone was cause for celebration, it was more importantly cause for hope. 

See the full story in the April 27 edition of The Sentinel. 


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