Community & Business
17 January, 2023
Learn something new in 2023
Get busy learning something new or getting out and having some fun this year - a great way to meet new friends and perhaps upskill at the same time!

Cryptic Crosswords, Singing for Fun, Lunch Club, Ukulele, Line Dancing, Improve Your Photography and Art are among the topics on offer for U3A courses in Pittsworth this year.
An open morning will be held on Tuesday, January 24 at 67 Yandilla Street (next to the Wheatsheaf Bakery), from 9.30 to 11am to offer the chance to join one of the groups.
With more than 100 members already on the Pittsworth books, we will be off to a good start in the New Year.
Full story in this week's Pittsworth Sentinel.