Community & Business
9 August, 2023
Loretta bakes best fruit cake in the state
Goombungee-Haden Show Chief Steward Loretta Voll took out the award for Queensland’s best dark-rich fruitcake at the Rocklea Showgrounds last Saturday.

Representing the Darling Downs sub-division, Loretta beat competition from across Queensland.
Representing the Darling Downs sub-division, Loretta beat competition from across Queensland to bake the best 10-inch base fruitcake in the state.
“I’m very honoured to represent the Darling Downs sub-division and the Goombungee-Haden Show,” she said.
It’s the second time Loretta has won the award after previously taking out the main prize at the competition in 2016.
Loretta is a stalwart of the baking community in the Oakey district, and has been heavily involved with the Goombungee-Haden Show and the Haden Public Hall.