27 March, 2024
Matilda and Maggie a winning team
Many great stories came out of the Allora Heavy Horse Festival regarding the close relationship between rider and horse but one of the best is surely the story of eleven years old Matilda Brand and her magnificent thirteen years old Clydesdale, Maggie.

Being the youngest competitor at the Festival appears not to worry Matilda in the slightest as she goes up against some of the best riders of any age on the Downs.
Having enormous faith in her mount, Woodlands Park Maggie, gives Matilda confidence and is one of the reasons the two have formed a great relationship.
Matilda learnt to ride when she was seven years old and Maggie, the giant Clydesdale, was her mount.
It’s hard to imagine a small seven years old girl climbing onto the back of a Clydesdale nearly 17 hands high and taking control.
It says much about the nature of these gentle equine giants.
Matilda was also fortunate to have a brilliant coach in Wendy Brown who remains today in close partnership with horse and rider.
In fact to sit in the stands next to Wendy as Matilda and Maggie compete is to experience the total commitment of coach to her young pupil as Wendy rides every corner and every change of gait with Matilda.
Naturally behind any successful athlete there must be supportive parents and Sarah and Anthony Brand certainly fit that role.
The big test for the whole team came last year when Maggie suffered a bad case of laminitis.
Laminitis occurs when tissues bonding the hoof wall to the pedal bone of the hoof are affected.
This resulted in Maggie’s pedal bone rotating within the hoof under the weight of the giant horse.
More than 7 per cent of equine deaths are linked to laminitis with many horses having to be euthanased because of the severe pain associated with the issue.
Sarah and David didn’t hesitate and called in Allora equine vet Brent Eastwell and top farrier Kent Wells and his son Anthony from Boonah.
The commitment and skill of these professionals is the reason Maggie survived and can now take her place with Matilda in competitions such as the Heavy Horse Festival.
Away from horses Matilda loves her three dogs, a Jack Russell, a German Shepherd and a Dachshund and like many girls her age she loves the music of Taylor Swift.
Matilda is in many regards like all girls her age except for the fact that when riding Maggie she becomes a confident horsewoman capable of competing against the best in any age group.
Who knows, Matilda will be nineteen years of age when Brisbane hosts the Olympic Games, which does include equestrian events?
Maggie & Matilda Darling Downs Heavy Horse Festival Results
1st Junior Rider Under Saddle.
2nd Junior Barrel race U/18
1st Prep 1 Junior dressage.
3rd Open Prep 2 Dressage.
3rd Junior Led Obstacle.
2nd led Draft mare 3 years & over.
Reserve Champion Led Draft Mare/Filly
6th Ridden 15hh & over (Open Field)