Community & Business
25 November, 2024
Maybe it’s time for a revamp?
No doubt the signwriters at Toowoomba Regional Council are busy people - if you check around the Region you’ll notice there are thousands of signs for which the Council is responsible.

So it’s understandable that not every sign will get immediate attention when it becomes a bit dilapidated.
However, this sign at Federation Park, Vale View is probably well overdue for an upgrade.
The information sign about the parkland was created by the old Cambooya Shire Council when the park was established.
This was in 2001 prior to Council amalgamation.
Federation Park was created to commemorate the centenary of the federation of the Australian colonies in January 1901.
Former Cambooya Shire Mayor, Cr Carol Taylor points out that Federation Park replaced an old landfill site.
She said it is well used and much loved.
“Many families meet there for celebrations,” Cr Taylor said.
She said Cambooya Landcare has an affiliation with the park.
When it was first established there was a tree planting day and students from Vale View and Wyreema schools as well as volunteers planted 1400 trees.
Cr Taylor said drought killed some of the trees while Powerlink contractors cut down trees where transmission lines crossed the site, but some survived and Cambooya Landcare spent a weekend getting rid of weeds as well as air-dropping seed capsules
“(They) Did a great job,” she said.