Community & Business
8 February, 2023
Mystery of who painted Clifton’s Blue Tree solved
Clifton has joined the growing list of towns with its own Blue Tree with one on the corner of King and Mowen streets and in so doing signifies that support and understanding for people suffering a mental illness is available in the town.

While the Clifton Blue Tree is really more of a stump than a tree, a mystery regarding who painted the tree has finally been solved with Emma Crewes declaring that she painted the stump.
Wendy Cassar and Judith Daley, both supporters of the Blue Tree Movement, have been instrumental in organising Blue Trees in other locations but they take no credit for the painting of the Clifton tree.
As passionate supporters of the Blue Tree network, they are more than pleased to see the tree stump painted blue,and the important letters ‘R U OK’ on the stump.
The project is close to their hearts and they say the important outcome is showing people with mental health issues that it’s okay to talk to someone about your problem.
The Blue Tree is also a reminder to everyone that if they know someone struggling with anxiety issues then it’s time to ask the question “R U OK ?”
Mental health advocates would say Ms Crewes’ painting of the tree is the action of a good citizen showing support for people with mental health issues and she should be congratulated for her initiative, as should Wendy Cassar and Judith Daley for their ongoing support of the Blue Tree Movement.