Community & Business
8 September, 2024
New Frontage for Allora Medical Centre
Since its official opening in December 2013, the Allora Medical Centre has seen significant growth and development. Over the years, the practices within have evolved and matured, much like the vibrant community it serves.

The Allora Medical Support Group (AMSG) has been dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the centre for Allora and its surrounding areas, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for both medical staff and patients.
Not only has the practice itself matured, but the lush plants adorning the front of the building have flourished, now outgrowing their designated garden space. (They recently have received some attention.)
In collaboration with Dr. Claire Schmidt and her dedicated team, the AMSG has conducted a thorough review of the Medical Centre’s frontage, focusing on public safety.
With the support of Dr. Schmidt and the approval of the local council, changes are set to take place in September.
These changes will include a complete overhaul of the front area. Due to concerns about visibility and accessibility, the current vegetation will be removed, and the concrete frontage will be redesigned.
The new design will feature a few steps leading from the car parks in front of the centre, ensuring easier access for all.
The AMSG committee apologizes for any inconvenience these works may cause, but we are confident that the improvements will be well worth it.
Please take care and mind your step during this transition.
- Secretary
Allora Medical Support Group