Community & Business
8 February, 2023
New leaders usher in 2023 at Vale View State School
Vale View State School leaders for 2023 have been chosen by the students and staff.

Congratulations to Hosie Wolrige, Eli McCurley Ault, Ruby Bellingham, Sakura Wright, Tom Tabah and Poppy Kinsella.
Already they have been thinking of ways to improve the school lunchtimes for our students and last week they initiated a lunchtime drawing club.
Student leader Sakura Wright said, “We were surprised that there were so many people who turned up.
“We had two tables, one for free drawing and the other for how to draw cute cats and realistic dragons,” Sakura said.
On Monday, February 20, year six students will be attending Young Leaders’ Day at the Brisbane Convention Centre.
They will join many school leaders from across Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
The day will consist of well-known speakers, question times, short videos, learning exercises, student involvement, music and student interaction, with the focus on developing leadership skills.