Community & Business
25 August, 2024
Nobby students enjoy visit from Governor
While in Nobby to attend the Sister Kenny Museum, the Governor Her Excellency Jeannette Young and her husband Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD made a welcome visit to very excited group of students at Nobby State School.

The duties of a Queensland Governor are numerous and varied but visiting a country school with very excited young students requires a special set of skills and the Governor showed she was well equipped for the task.
After talking to the students about her position she entertained them with a book reading and the students responded with their full attention.
The Governor presented each student with a small medallion and then came the much anticipated question time.
Young students can always be relied upon to ask a
variety of in-depth, personal questions and the Nobby students did not disappoint.
The Governor responded to questions on topics such as how big was her house, how many bedrooms did it have, how many servants did they have, how many cars and even how old she was.
Her Excellency did not hesitate answering any question displaying vast experience with young children and obvious pleasure in their company.
Before leaving the Vice Regal couple was thanked by School Principal Gemma Thorpe and Grade Six school captains, Joseph Browne and Emily Keates.
The Nobby students had an enjoyable and valuable learning experience thanks to the generous nature of the Governor and Professor Nimmo.