

9 June, 2023

Painted honeyeater protection on agenda

The Painted Honeyeater’s population protection was brought up at the last North-East Landcare group.

The Jondaryan painted honey-eater. Photo: Roger Jaensch
The Jondaryan painted honey-eater. Photo: Roger Jaensch

Jondaryan Painted Honeyeater Group spokes-person Roger Jaensch said he estimates there may be a population of around 10 to 20 couples in acacia woodland (of which there are Yarran, Weeping Myall and Brigalow acacias) within a 2 kilometre radius of the Jondaryan Hall.

The bird is listed as vulnerable nationally, and has had its habitat threatened by land development.

As most land-clearing has already taken place on the Darling Downs, this makes it all the more important to preserve the remaining acacia woodland habitat.


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