
General News

16 April, 2021

Pittsworth’s first COVID vaccine administered

Pittsworth’s COVID vaccine rollout has just begun, with Edna Bryce being the first patient to receive the jab last Wednesday, March 31, at the Pittsworth Medical Centre.

: Edna Bryce, aged 102, is administered Pittsworth’s first COVID-19 vaccine by Pittsworth Medical Centre’s Doctor David Reid and practice nurse Bronwyn Lewis.
: Edna Bryce, aged 102, is administered Pittsworth’s first COVID-19 vaccine by Pittsworth Medical Centre’s Doctor David Reid and practice nurse Bronwyn Lewis.

Pittsworth’s COVID vaccine rollout has just begun, with Edna Bryce being the first patient to receive the jab last Wednesday, March 31, at the Pittsworth Medical Centre.

Edna, who is 102-years-old, has been a Pittsworth resident for more than 70 years, but since COVID-19 took the world by storm, her way of life has looked a little different.

 “There’s a lot of really terrible things that are going on in the world and Australia today,” Edna said.

 “I have my groceries delivered now, I didn’t until this started last March.”

Pittsworth Medical Centre practice nurse Bronwyn Lewis said Edna has to be far more cautious as she is in the high-risk category.

 “Edna loves going to get her hair done once a week and it limits her outings to church and stuff like that while she’s stuck at home,” Mrs Lewis said.

Edna said that now she has received the COVID vaccine, with her second dose to being administered soon, she feels much safer than she did before.

Over the coming months, Pittsworth’s doctors and nurses will work tirelessly to ensure everyone who chooses to be vaccinated will receive the jab as soon as supplies become available.

Mrs Lewis said the medical centre will first prioritise vaccinating those people who are most at risk of falling victim to COVID-19, including the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, and work backwards from there.


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