Community & Business
7 June, 2024
Queensland Day celebrated at Historical Museum
Oakey Historical Museum hosted an early Queensland Day celebration, showcasing the history of our great state with an Open Day on Saturday.
Historical Museum President Fay Telford said the Museum was pleased with how the day went despite inclement weather which forced people to go home early.
“It was well attended by market holders from the Oakey Lions Club and some of the organisations of Oakey,” she said.
“We had some visitors come through the gate to held make the day.
“Music was supplied via New Acland Coal speaker, along with Jeanette Kummerow and Harold Kowitz on the button accordion.
“The descendants of Bridesons unveiled a ‘For Sale’ sign donated to the Museum by them.
“The Museum members would like to thank everyone for coming along,” Mrs Telford said.