Community & Business
7 March, 2024
Raff roadshow a hit with locals
There’s nothing country people like better than a good rural road show that brings together the various suppliers that a life on the land demands and Raff’s Roadshow at Clifton last Thursday proved it beyond doubt.

It didn’t matter if you were a grazier with concerns about your pasture or about irrigation equipment there was a supplier waiting for your questions and even better, a discounted price on sales was sure to put a smile on your face.
If your primary farming activity is growing crops then Pacific Seeds was there to offer advise on Pacific’s range of traditional and new seed varieties while numerous other suppliers were ready to help with any other item essential for your farm.
Horse owners were well catered for with the Hygain tent offering excellent advice on the nutritional requirements of horses at various stages of development and again, discounted prices were on offer.
For those requiring electric fencing advice or equipment Gallagher Electric Fencing had the answers to all electric fencing needs and the latest in electric fencing equipment.
The variety of suppliers at the roadshow highlights the important role the Raff rural store plays in the local area.
The extension of the storage shed last year has allowed the store to carry a larger range of products, not just of the farming variety but the general hardware section of the store now has more sales area, as does the garden section.
Locals now have little need to shop in Toowoomba as Clifton Raff can now offer almost everything required for a life on the land.
The annual Raff Roadshow is an important opportunity to touch bases with all the suppliers farmers rely on every day.