Community & Business
14 June, 2024
Ready, Set, Go!
The end of term 2 is the season for athletics carnivals at local schools and Wyreema State School recently held its own.

Congratulations to all of the students who competed in the Track and Field carnival last week.
The cool conditions didn’t prevent students from doing their best in a variety of disciplines over the two days.
Fifteen records were broken over the carnival.
Records are as follows:
Ciara: long jump, 100m and 800m
Lilah: 50m Sprint,
Peyton: 80m Sprint
Haylee: 100m Sprint and Discus
Kasari: 100m Sprint
Sophie: 800m Sprint
Charlie: 100m and 800m Sprint
Eddie: 100m Sprint
Connor: 800m Sprint
Jahkeen: 800m Sprint
Jack: 800m Sprint
Best of luck to Wyreema State School team which will compete at the Small Schools carnival in the last week of school.