
Community & Business

4 October, 2023

Respected Balladeer remembered

In a moving presentation dedicated to the work of the late Ted Thompson, Southern Downs Councillor Marco Gliori acknowledged him as a leader among the many musicians and entertainers who volunteer to attend and perform at\_community gatherings across the Southern Downs.

SDRC Mayor, SDRC Councillors and Thompson family in attendance at the Volunteer Recognition morning tea.
SDRC Mayor, SDRC Councillors and Thompson family in attendance at the Volunteer Recognition morning tea.

“As well as being a proud and much-loved family man, the late Ted Thompson’s contribution to our local Arts and Culture Community should not be underestimated. His genre was country music and all things Australian, and his passion for sharing his talents has left an enduring legacy,” Councillor Gliori said.

“Ted Thompson was the proverbial campfire crooner, a much-respected bush balladeer, a yarn-spinner, a joke teller and a comedian.”

For several generations, Ted volunteered his music and songs at Akooroomak, The Oaks, Churches of Christ, Killarney, Allora Homestead, The Pension-ers League, our district hospitals, Bluecare, Fund-raising Morning Teas and Concerts, and various other venues and functions across the Southern Downs.

Ted performed, judged, and compered at Country Music Festivals far and wide, and was a legend in his own right,winning several hundred singing and performance trophies, and appearing alongside Slim Dusty on several occasions at the Warwick Town Hall.

The Thompson family accepted Ted’s award posthumously at the September Ordinary Council Meeting.


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