Community & Business
17 January, 2024
Scheduled road works to start soon
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has advised that the scheduled road works to rehabilitate the 2.8 kilometre stretch of Toowoomba Road between the Gore Highway and Factory Street will start on 29 January.
During this time, the southbound lane of Toowoomba Road will be closed, while the northbound lane remains open.
All southbound traffic will be detoured along the Gore Highway and Vines Street.
A full closure of Toowoomba Road between Factory Street and the Gore Highway will take place in late February to install the first of two bitumen seals.
Over this period, local access will be maintained to properties within the closure for residents, buses, waste and authorised vehicles.
All general traffic will be required to divert via the Gore Highway and Vines Street.
The exact dates of the full closure are yet to be confirmed by TRC.
The rehabilitation work includes stabilising existing pavement, undergoing minor pavement repairs, and bitumen sealing on both Toowoomba Road and the Pittsworth State High School car park.
Construction will be between the hours of 6am and 6pm and it’s likely that work will continue until late February, weather permitting.