Community & Business
11 January, 2024
Scrubby Mountain quarry seeking to expand
The owners of Brookview Quarry, located at Scrubby Mountain, have submitted a development application to Toowoomba Regional Council requesting approval to increase their capabilities.

Brookview Quarry (right) is located on 46.54 hectares at the corner of Jentz Road and Scrubby Road.
Up to 500,000 tonnes of material can be extracted annually at the site currently.
The land is owned by Starrkraft Pty Ltd.
The applicant is Pearljaney Pty Ltd t/a PK & BT Bland Rural Enterprises.
The planning report, submitted by Ausrocks Pty Ltd on behalf of the client, states the proposal is to extend the quarry surface area by approximately 24 per cent to enable continual access to high quality basalt resources as the quarry progresses.
“The quarry will maintain the existing production rate of up to 500,000 tonnes per annum of material suitable for a range quarry products,” the report says.
“The proposed pit has a total volume of approximately 2.6Mm3 of a mixture of weathered and fresh basalt.”
The expansion of the quarry is proposed to be in the north-east of the site.
The report also details how material is extracted.
“Extraction of the material will be a combination of dozer ripping and drill and blast,” it says.
“The material is then moved to the stockpile and processing area where it is sorted, crushed and screened before leaving the site or being stockpiled.
“Blasting will occur approximately once a month.
“The average extraction rate for the quarry is expected to be 250,000 tonnes per annum with a maximum
rate of 500,000 tonnes per annum depending on demand.
“Hours of operation are proposed from 6am to 6pm Monday to Saturday.”
As part of the application, air quality, traffic, noise and pavement impact assessments were submitted.