Community & Business
18 October, 2023
Showground surface gets a facelift
Organisations using the main arena at the Pittsworth Showground will be pleasantly surprised next time they stage an event following the completion of a major refurbishment of the surface.

While management of the facility is under the auspices of Toowoomba Regional Council, which has co-operated with the effort, the local user group - the Showground Improvement Committee, has funded the project.
The Committee is made up of the Pittsworth Show Society, Pittsworth & District Campdraft Association, the Kurrajong Pony Club, Darling Downs Showjumping and Pittsworth Amateur Basketball Club.
Naturally, the basket-ballers do not use the main arena, so the other four organisations did a four-way split to pay for the renovation.
The first stage of the work was undertaken by Mick Rohde of MR Earthmoving, who took laser levels to ensure an even surface across the ground, a job which took at least 11 hours across two days.
The next step was to bring in 100 tonnes of coarse washed sand and 100 tonnes of sieved manure from Beef City to spread across the surface.
A mixture of couch grass and fertiliser was then planted.
Since then a constant programme of watering using the Show Society’s irrigators has been used to promote growth and enable the grass cover to establish.
Chair of the Showgrounds Management Committee Ros Scotney OAM commended the Campdraft executive for taking the initiative of much needed restoration of the grounds.
She thanked the other user groups and the Campdraft committee for their financial commitment to this project.
“This work which has been a huge undertaking will only enhance the viability for future use,” Ms Scotney said.
“The Showgrounds are getting a lot more outside bookings and this restoration will stand events in good stead.”
It is the first major improvement of the arena surface for close to thirty years.
The last time such a project was undertaken was in 1994.
The result of the latest refurbishment will be a better and safer surface for participants in future events.