Community & Business
29 February, 2024
Snap wins state comp
The Clifton Cluster Challenge Team won first prize and $1000 in a Queensland-wide photography competition.

In 2021 to mark its 50th year anniversary, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) held a photo competition across the state to showcase the quality of education in Queensland schools.
With such a positive following, the photo competition has now become an annual one, with the introduction of a new theme each year.
The QCT is the regulatory body for the teaching profession state-wide across Queensland.
It works in the best interests of the public and the teaching profession to ensure approved teachers are qualified, current in their practice and suitable to teach and work in Queensland schools.
Last year, the competition theme was ‘My Teacher Life: Capturing the diversity of everyday teaching moments’.
There was $4750 prize-money on offer for schools, being distributed with 1st place $1000, 2nd place $750, 3rd $500 with a total of 10 runner-up prizes of $250.
“As we know, some of the best learning happens outside the classroom,” Clifton State High School teacher Brendon Thorpe said.
He was one of many teachers to take an interest in the competition.
“I had to put down about 500 words about the Cluster Challenge Team that Sandy McAntee and I started up about three and a half years ago,” Mr Thorpe said.
“I organised for about 50 photos to be taken one afternoon at Goodwood, submitted the on-line application along with five good photos and then forgot about it to be honest.”
The panel in Brisbane chose the photo “We’re coming to get ya!” as the winner.
The school received $1000 as first prize and it was spent on staff wellbeing at the school.
Mr Thorpe explained what the Clifton Cluster Challenge Team is and what they do.
“Every Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 6pm, weather permitting, our Challenge Team meets at Goodwood Equine on Dalrymple Creek Road under the instruction of Angie and Darren Siebel,” he said.
“We are fortunate to have such a great facility locally, where students can receive professional coaching on their riding, to improve their riding and horsemanship skills and to help prepare them for any upcoming competitions and shows.
“Currently we have five Clifton State High School students and five primary school students which is a good mix from within our cluster of schools who ride/train each week.
“It was great to see the entire team compete at Allora and Clifton shows of late, to see how much they have improved and to even come a place in some of the classes in both the hacking and Challenge events.”