Community & Business
15 February, 2023
St Patrick’s: The heart of student leadership
Student leadership is central to the core values at St Patrick’s School, Allora.

The students of Glengallan (Years 5 and 6) have assumed this leadership role with ease and diligence.
In particular, the bond that is beginning to form with their new prep buddies is extremely strong and gentle caring.
The Year 6 leaders were formally inducted into their roles as student leaders during the school’s Induction Mass which was held on Tuesday 7 February.
This celebration was a special one, as the Year 6 students asked God to bless and guide them, as they journey through 2023.
Together as a community, we look forward to the many challenges and rewards that 2023 have in store for us all.
As student leaders, may our Year 6 cohort always display a positive attitude in what they do, treat all with dignity and may they persevere in their actions to do what is right and just. Let us all have courage to face the many challenges presented to us.
As a leadership group, the Year 6 student were asked to reflect on the opportunities to lead that will be presented to them in 2023. Some common themes emerged:
“That I take care of all the children in the school.”
“My goal is to guide the Prep students with spirit.”
“To inspire the younger children to do the right thing.”
“My goal is to show dignity to all.”
- Keith Blaikie, Principal