Community & Business
3 September, 2024
Steam train arrives in Brookstead
On Saturday, 24th August, DownsSteam conducted its first major steam excursion, transporting 152 passengers and 16 crew members to Brookstead.

The train departed Drayton station at 9.30am and arrived in Brookstead at about midday.
Two iconic heritage buses from the heritage bus association followed, which supported the operation and provided transfers from the train to the community hall.
Paul and Karen Dieckmann with a handful of helpers, cooked an exceptional camp oven lunch for guests and staff.
It was true blue country hospitality at its best, and not only enjoyed by the train travellers but also members of the Brookstead community.
“We had a great day,” Mrs Dieckmann said.
“The weather was perfect. We had a good team. It was just a fantastic day.”
The U3A Ukulele group from Pittsworth provided entertainment for guests in the hall, and there was a display of old machinery and cars organised by Brookstead resident, Lloyd Gillam.
“We made a day of it.
“That was what we aimed for - to have an enjoyable day, good food, entertainment and the machinery for people to look at,” Mrs Dieckmann said.
This event was DownsSteam’s largest and most involved tour to date.