31 January, 2024
Sternbeck racing duo put pedal to the metal
Racing Formula Vee is a family affair in the Clifton district’s Sternbeck family with 15-years-old Yamuna and 14-years-old brother Madhava both keen to continue their success in the highly competitive world of motor racing during 2024.

Yamuna has already made her name well known in Formula Vee racing with good results in the National competition in 2023 where she was the youngest competitor and the only female.
At Warwick’s Morgan Park raceway in the National Titles , Yamuna had a credible 6th place and recently gained 3rd place in a State Round also at Morgan Park.
In Queensland’s Formula Vee awards for 2023 Yamuna was named the Rookie of the Year being a clear sign that this young girl is making her name known in motor racing circles.
Motor racing is not Yamuna’s only interest as she is also an Air Force Cadet in Toowoomba’s 210 squadron.
Motor racing even at Formula Vee level involves many expenses and Yamuna takes responsibility for her race nomination fees, of several hundred dollars by working at the Toowoomba markets to earn money for her race fees.
Not to be outdone, young brother Madhava also races Formula Vee and has his sights set on emulating
his sister with a successful year of racing and hoping
for a Rookie of the Year award.
Motor racing is highly competitive at any level where highs are often quickly followed by lows as mechanical failure, driver error (not necessarily your own) and plain bad luck can ruin your day.
Yamuna and Madhava no doubt experience the highs and lows of the sport but these experiences are what helps build resilience in young people that obviously are of benefit throughout later life.
The young racing duo have beautiful first names that father Michael said have an Indian origin from his time working in India.
It seems these names are destined to become well known in motor racing circles.