Community & Business
13 January, 2025
Successful year for 500 cards group
December marked the close of the community card group’s first successful year, run by community members for Pittsworth and surrounding areas. The idea for this group was a vision held by three local 500 card playing enthusiasts, Lawrie Cooper, and Michael and Robynne Robertson.

The trio wanted to provide another form of entertainment as well as an opportunity for a social night out in the area.
The concept was to have a fun, social and fast playing game that promoted a love of a timeless pastime across multiple generations.
Indeed three generations of the Cooper family can give testament to the fact that ‘500’ is indeed a game for players of all ages.
On 18th December, the final competition night for 2024 starting a little earlier than usual with a ‘Pizza Party’ for main and a ‘Drumstick’ for dessert!
The end of year break-up was exceedingly enjoyable and well attended by lots of players.
Players travelled from as far afield as Meringandan, Oakey and Kulpi to join the festivities so the night’s continual light drizzle did nothing to dampen anyone’s spirit!
Thirteen games were played in total for the final competition night with many players prepared to make ‘big calls’ as the accolade for the Player with the Most ‘Slams’ for 2024 was wide open.
Successful ‘slams’ for the night were made by Lawrie (actually winning 2 slams for the evening) and his partners: Tom and then Sue.
There was a three way tie for first place for the evening with Von, David O and Robynne each winning 9 games.
David won on the cut and was declared the evening’s sole winner.
Congratulations and well played David!
Congratulations are also extended to both Von and Robynne. Well played!
Three additional presentations were made for the night.
Cheryl Fowler won the title for the most games won by a female in 2024 and Lawrie Cooper won the prize for the most games won by a male in 2024.
Lawrie’s ‘luck’ and skill was further rewarded winning another title, the Player with the Most ‘Slams’.
Congratulations and well done to our award recipients and indeed to all our players!
Furthermore, we would like to sincerely thank all our players for a wonderful ‘maiden’ year and extend our sincerest thanks to those individuals who regularly assist with organisational, catering and cleaning duties.
“Talent may win games but teamwork wins dreams”!
We salute you all and look forward to everyone’s continued attendance, support and competitive drive in 2025!
The old year has therefore been farewelled and the New Year was welcomed in with competition recommencing again on January 1.
A small but enthusiastic band of competitors played 11 games in total for the evening.
The first two opening games proved to be quite long but the pace quickly sped up once the weariness of Christmas and New Year celebrations wore off and ‘good hands’ began to prevail.
The ladies reigned victorious for the evening with Margaret winning the ‘Lucky Door’ prize and Kaye winning 9 games, being the sole winner for the night.
Congratulations and well played Kaye!
We meet and compete again on January 15.
This local group would love to continue to grow with both beginner and experienced players being keenly sought and warmly welcome.
The group plays the first, third and fifth Wednesday evenings of each month at the Pittsworth Uniting Church Hall with competition commencing at 7pm.
Come when you can and pass the word around to others, so more players can also experience a social evening combined with a rigorous mental workout!
For more information please contact Lawrie after hours on 0456 924 072.